Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
281 lines
#ifndef __GEOM
#define __GEOM
#define __GEOM_H
#define location loc
#include <assert.h>
struct dimension // District
{ int a,b;
dimension() { a=b=0;}
dimension(int length) {a=0;b=length-1;}
dimension(int a, int b) { this->a=a; this->b=b; }
void sort() // b >= a. If not sure - use sort.
{if (a>b) {register tmp=a;a=b;b=tmp;}}
int l()const { return b-a+1;}
void center(const dimension& stat)
{register l1=l();
a=(stat.l()-l1)/2+stat.a; b=a+l1-1;
void center(int c)
{ register l1=l();
a=c+ (a-b)/2; b=a+l1-1;
int center(){return (a+b)/2;}
int operator==(const dimension& x){return x.l()==l();}
int operator<=(const dimension& x){return l()<=x.l();}
int operator>=(const dimension& x){return l()>=x.l();}
int operator>(const dimension& x){return l()>x.l();}
int operator<(const dimension& x){return l()<x.l();}
struct rect;
struct loc
{ int X,Y;
loc(int x,int y): X(x),Y(y){}
loc(): X(0),Y(0){}
loc(const loc& L): X(L.X),Y(L.Y){}
loc& operator+=(const loc& a)
{ X+=a.X;Y+=a.Y; return * this;}
loc& operator-=(const loc& a)
{ X-=a.X;Y-=a.Y; return * this;}
void zero() {X=Y=0;}
rect corner(const loc& cornr); // See inline expansion below
inline loc operator+ (const loc& a, const loc& b)
return loc(a.X+b.X,a.Y+b.Y);
inline loc operator- (const loc& a, const loc& b)
return loc(a.X-b.X,a.Y-b.Y);
inline loc operator+ (const loc& a, int D )
return loc(a.X+D,a.Y+D);
inline loc operator- (const loc& a, int D)
return loc(a.X-D,a.Y-D);
struct row : dimension
{ int Y;
row(const loc& O,int length) : dimension(O.X,O.X+length-1){Y=O.Y;}
row(int x1,int x2,int y):dimension(x1,x2){Y=y;}
row(const dimension& d,int y) : dimension(d){Y=y;}
// + += - -= operations with loc and int
row operator+ (const loc& vect)
{return row(a+vect.X,b+vect.X,Y+vect.Y);}
row operator- (const loc& vect)
{return row(a-vect.X,b-vect.X,Y-vect.Y);}
row& operator+= (const loc& vect)
{a+=vect.X;b+=vect.X;Y+=vect.Y;return *this;}
row& operator-= (const loc& vect)
{ a-=vect.X,b-=vect.X;Y-=vect.Y;return *this;}
row operator+ (int delta)
{ return row(*this,Y+delta);}
row operator- (int delta)
{ return row(*this,Y-delta);}
row& operator+= (int delta)
{Y+=delta;return *this;}
row& operator-= (int delta)
{ Y-=delta;return *this;}
// Move to new place
void moveto(const loc& newOrg)
{ register l1=l();
struct rect
{ loc origin,corner;
rect(const rect& R): origin(R.origin),corner(R.corner){}
rect(loc org, loc corn){origin=org; corner=corn;}
rect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) : origin(x1,y1), corner(x2,y2){}
rect(const dimension& hor,const dimension& vert): origin(hor.a,vert.a),
rect() :origin(),corner(){}
// rect( loc ext) : origin(),corner(ext){}
// This constructor is no more supported, use extent() function instead
void sort()
{ register tmp;
if(origin.X>corner.X) {tmp=origin.X; origin.X=corner.X;corner.X=tmp;}
if(origin.Y>corner.Y) {tmp=origin.Y; origin.Y=corner.Y;corner.Y=tmp;}
dimension horiz() const {return dimension(origin.X,corner.X);}
dimension vert() const {return dimension(origin.Y,corner.Y);}
int width() const {return horiz().l();}
int height() const {return vert().l();}
loc extent() const {return loc(horiz().l(),vert().l());}
unsigned area() const {return width()*height();}
int top() const {return origin.Y;}
int left() const {return origin.X;}
int bottom() const {return corner.Y;}
int right() const {return corner.X;}
loc center() const
{return loc((origin.X+corner.X)/2,(origin.Y+corner.Y)/2);}
void moveto(const loc& New)
rect& operator+=(const loc& vect)
{origin+=vect; corner+=vect; return * this;}
rect& operator-=(const loc& vect)
{origin-=vect; corner-=vect; return * this;}
int contains(loc point) const
origin.X<=point.X && origin.Y <= point.Y &&
corner.X>=point.X && corner.Y >= point.Y ;
int contains( const rect& A) const
{ return contains(A.origin)&& contains(A.corner); }
void expand(const rect& delta)
{ origin-=delta.origin; corner+=delta.corner;}
void symmexpand(loc delta)
{ origin-=delta; corner+=delta;}
inline rect extent(loc org,loc ext)
{return rect(org,org+ext-loc(1,1)); }
inline rect extent(loc ext)
{return rect(loc(),ext-loc(1,1)); }
inline rect operator+(const rect& r, loc v)
{return rect(r.origin+v ,(r.corner+v));}
inline rect operator-(const rect& r,loc v)
{return rect(r.origin-v ,(r.corner-v));}
inline rect loc::corner(const loc& cornr)
{ return rect(*this,cornr);}
#ifdef __STDLIB_H
#undef max
#undef abs
inline int max( int a,int b)
return a>b ? a: b;
#ifndef __STDLIB_H
inline int abs(int x)
return x<0 ? -x : x;
inline loc max(loc a, loc b)
return loc(max(a.X,b.X),max(a.Y,b.Y));
inline loc abs(loc a)
return loc(abs(a.X),abs(a.Y));
inline loc operator/(loc num,int den)
return loc(num.X/den,num.Y/den);
inline rect operator/(const rect& num,int den)
return rect(num.origin/den,num.corner/den);
inline loc operator*(loc m,int m2)
return loc(m.X*m2,m.Y*m2);
inline rect operator*(const rect& m1,int m2)
return rect(m1.origin*m2,m1.corner*m2);
inline int operator==(loc a, loc b)
return a.X==b.X && a.Y==b.Y;
inline int operator==(const rect& a,const rect& b)
return a.origin==b.origin && a.corner==b.corner;